Dec 17
Max / Holiday schedule
Will / Multisig
Giulio / Proposal update
James / Luquidity
Max / Retro
Dec 10
Gregory / meeting in NYC 18-19 jan
Gregory / network upgrade
James / update on bridges
Will / multi-sig update
Max / update on the research
Dec 3
Nov 26
berk / tokenomics updates + gisel / reflections on where are we going? ~real value of regeneration of the world ~inflation, problems etc
mark / bridge-decentralization strategy
max / updates on the research
Nov 19
Will / Liquidity
Max / Devcon upd
Max / check
Max / Dashboard + RND % to community & project developer
brandon / accounting blockchains osmo and regen
Max / Institutional approach
- Environmental Funding Analysis: Examining the allocation of funds for sustainability initiatives
- Origination Verification: Exploring the verification process for community-based projects
- Integration with Municipalities, UN, COP, WEF, IEEE: Considering the involvement of the international organizations in shaping policies and strategies. Incorporating new scientific research and expertise into decision-making processes
Nov 12
Nov 5
Gregory / COP Cali update
Oct 29
James + Brandon / KlimaDAO proposal + Base
Giulio / Proposal
Oct 22
- James / Token distribution & pricing discussion
- Max Price balance
- Max / Const?
Oct 15
Max / plans
Brandon / Arbitrum opportunities
Oct 8
James / update on crosschain with Wormhole
Giulio / Regen Funding Protocol & Regen Venture Studio
Brandon / Arbitrum DAO fundraising
Max / Dr. Mark Siebert
Max / Retro
- Feeling lost about the product
- Hard onboarding
- Need smbd from the team to send me link every time
Oct 1
- James crosschain update
- I met with a couple of people at Wormhole. Looks like they will need to add support for Osmosis first. I need to set up a call with them and the foundation to discuss further here. Initially they said they could support it but when I spoke with the developer that built it that functionality is still missing, likely available by end of year. Also tons of other updates from Singapore and overall very positive trip.
- Climate week update / Shantigar – went good, Tony has some recordings
- Constitution wg – need a person for a few months for this (what’s being governed, how, who etc). References: Juno has a charter, DUNA questions are good, Mondragon structures
- Giulio proposal – Haier Model planning
- Q3 Report
- Retrospective
- start
- stop
- continue
Sep 24
Sep 10
- Jacob / Signatory update
- Gregory / Meetup
- Gregory / Brand commons + DUNA consitution
- James / Bridging regen tokens + CosmWasm update
- Jacob / Separating regen from carbon credits
- Mark / Token Price – any discussion
Max / Venture Studio Workshops with Experts
Sep 3
$REGEN Tokenomics Working Group $REGEN Tokenomics Working Group – notes
Gregory / Meeting around Climate Week
Ping me if you need details, plan to move some Constitution work
Max / Updates on the Venture Studio
CCG: Moving to Web3-enabled Regenerative Business Models
Sam / sharing some of the things that was brought to my attention…
Environmental Markets Fairness Foundation Environmental Markets Fairness Foundation
IPLC communities have either moved to create their own methodologies or their own standard
High level discussion happening around registry including minimum IT standards and interoperability, sharing some of the public materials requirements_figures_slides_IReg.pdf 58 International registry_slides.pdf
Aug 20
Giulio: Commons Hub Update
- Proposal: Make some contribution from Regen to the meeting (with the updates)
Regen Venture Studio workshop
- Fundraising for self & networking for the network – hard to do both, RND focuses on the 2nd
- Attractors – UN, BFF, …
- UN has an internal competition between registries / departments
- UN agencies do not really have much influence over VCM, at least for now.
- Renewed interest in VCM is sparked by SBTi, and the reason why GCC is looking at Scope 3 program, Verra on Scope 3 program.
- Different registries are taking different approaches to “survive” in the evolving space, but coming back to Regen’s value proposition, focusing on IPLC should be a very very strong position.
- UNICEF – only UN agency which is accelerating & investing with blockchain currencies
- Slow process of integrating new type of tech, may be hard to base strategy within UN
- Message to investors: Legitimate, credible natural capital assets (biodiversity, carbon, water…) through the grassroots
- Web3/Regen value offering – benefit sharing and inclusive governance
- 80% of funds got to the Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs)
- Focus on the case studies – lessons learned (esp. on governance)
- Angle: Improving carbon markets (not so much blockchain)
- Trend: higher % of should be directed to local communities
Aug 13
Gregory / Retrospective on the validators set reduction and next steps
Max / Venture Studio
Gregory / Brand commons updates
Aug 6
Ryan / Validators proposal results
Ryan / Constitution and steps forward
regen biz models
more eco experts to the conversation
Jul 30
Max / BFF updates
Max / Bridge status
Thank you for contacting Satellite support.
There doesn't seem to be any incoming transaction completed on axelar1944jdst5heg5745ed90rkapdfc3tn6cm6m44y8ypezgl4nehw5qqarn5us
It looks like your IBC transaction from Regen is still pending and it will either need to be retried by their relayers,, or timed out.
Gregory / Validators concerns
Max / Cost of the infra
Jul 23
David / case presentation
15 years coop
- $60k / year position for Regen Manager
- trash, soil analysis + $40k for each lot x 4 = $160k
- Java and Joists – carpenter for furniture, teach kids on the skill $200-300k raise for the building (3-4 years for profit)
Social impact bonds
Also from Will:
James / EcoToken
regen1u8j7khpy77nrqkhpgv3ksz3d98yr7qhcfnfet0 Cross-Chain Integration with ecoLedger
Will / Validators set reduction
Will / Constitution
Jul 16
Crosschain convo
Consensus (next steps)
regen13uwe3kl4y4f9ecre0y398243vrfy8qztmyrz7a RFC: Proposal Draft to Reduce Active Validator Set t...
Gregory: I’d like to see the algorithm used for delegations be sourcing from unchain data as much as possible
Bank (BFF chapters, Investors, Mentorship) + sohto updates
Council (next steps)
"Purpose: The Regen Network Council will initially focus exclusively on coordinating the development of the network’s constitution to ensure clear governance and aligned strategic initiatives as a foundational agreement for the future development of the network. “
Jul 9
- Taking responsibility for the $regen promotion/coordination to impact investors?
- Solidifying groups (focused conversations/subchats)
- Move to Discord++/Hylo? (connect with telegram sync)
- Reengaging people who signed up before / updating the list
- Constitution dialogue
- RegenBank coordination Facility (right at the pattern level) ~constitution and council connection (symbiotic to ecocredits)
(ask Will M, JC…)
Jul 2
Ishmael / decision making
Hey. So, this is a WIP, trying to organize the flow of decision making.
David collaborated on this. Might help with conversation today. And conversation today might help improve the diagram.
Multiple paths could be taken simultaneously depending on time-frames and anticipated outcomes.
Probably it can use updates and corrections, feel free to cite any errors and/or add comments. Thanks
James / Ecotoken
Jun 25
$REGEN Tokenomics Working Group $REGEN Tokenomics Working Group
Gregory / Updates
Cosmos Hub / Presentation
Cosmos Hub Forum ICS 2.0 Economics : Partial Set Security (PSS) Financial Model
Jun 11
Max / Consensus model changes
Max /
Customer Development Customer Development
Max / Council
Max / RND funding needs
Max / Next week call
Jun 4
Road to $1 (new post) Council responsibilities in the tech way
- scientist
- buyers
- The governors need be willing, but they also need be authorized - they need be given a mandate, for their own self-confidence but also for the council's legitimacy
- Nomination + signalling vote for ratification
- …
Regen Brand commons
Untitled – metagov, TEC feedback
Katapult feedback
May 28
Consensus Options
on ICS:
$72k = 10 validators x $600/mo. x 12 mo.
Ongoing costs for PSS are a formula. We're building a spreadsheet model but that's not ready at the moment, let's use. please note this isn't final. First, we need to cover the cost of validators running hardware. For that, we suggest the simple following formula: (X600 $/month12) where X = number of validators targeted by the consumer chain
Second we need to cover the economic security of the stakers providing security to the consumer. We use the following formula: (Nap*S) where N = targeted % of voting power from the Cosmos Hub active validator set ; a = targeted net APR for stakers ; p = ATOM price ; S= number of bonded ATOMs
Lastly, we include a payment that will be redirected to the community pool and benefit the Cosmos Hub as a whole (i.e, not just opt-in validators and their stakers) (1+ B ) where B = % to be converted in ATOMs sent back to the community pool
The complete formula is now the following (X600$/month12+NapS)(1+B ) so what Regen needs to figure out is how much security do you ACTUALLY need. Regen likely has far more validators than required. Our understanding is that you only need security = TVL.
New Article
May 21
POA discussion
what should be the liquidity
OP $regen squad
May 14
Aaron / POA Proposal
- Liquid staking to help people with neg. tax situation Cons: doesn’t reduce your minting rate, only certain % can be staked ~security
- Cosmos Hub shared security (~Celestia, Eigen)
- POA 0% minting rate Needs a plan for validators funding (have some support from RND & Foundation on some support)
- POA with voting on Delegations Requires governance overhead
- Consortia model Separate agreement for the network ran by reputable companies in the space
Will / Council-commission
- Powers / Responsibilities
- Process of election
- Representation for dif. stakeholders
- We had considered a diversity to represent at least someone from each “pillar” of value and other key institutions
Max / RegenCoopBank – Bioregional Development with Cooperative Banking update for each stakeholder group
Max / $Regen Tokenomics Model – bank proposal
Max / – mapping
Max / Customer Development update
May 7
Aaron / Consensus models
JC / Proposal
Max / Celo Bridge
If Celo treasury would want to buy 25k USD worth of dMRV powered eco credits, do you think Regen Network could source this?
Apr 30
Gitcoin money plans
RegenCoopBank – Bioregional Development with Cooperative Banking – references
Apr 23
Max / References for coop banks
Max / Investor Data Room Updates
Apr 16
Max /
Max / Customer Development
Max / $REGEN Investor Data Room
Matthew / Credits with clear supplier & buyer
Apr 9
Juan Ramos / Roadmap
Apr 2
Max / Roles and circles
Gregory / Coordination chart for ecosystem
Will / Constitution Ideas
Max / 1st circle review
Mar 26
Mar 5
Max / Q1 2024
Max / Frequency of the calls
Mar 5
Max / Time change next week
Max / Survey needed?
- What's your name? (optional, can be anon)
- What is your intent within this working group?
- What goes well?
- What needs improvement?
- What we could differently?
Any comments/suggestions?
Max / VitaDAO Model for $REGEN
What are the next steps:
- Foundation & RND consultations
- Community signalling (if succesful)
- Execution plan (if succesful)
People need to buy-in and work on the section
Max / Risks Discussion
Feb 27
Max /
Feb 20
Concentrated liquidity pools update:
Max / Updated exec summary
Max / Projects review
Max / Risks discussion
Feb 13
Will / Inflation
Mark / Model
Max / New homepage wiki
Max / Retreat dates
- EthDenver
- ReFi Unconference in Barcelona - April 20-25
- Team retreat @ TDF (Portugal) - May 27-Jun 3
Max / Metrics & Goals
- Highly functioning, broad stakeholder engagement around $REGEN tokenomics (@Max Semenchuk) ~MAU/QAU
- $REGEN is memed as the proxy for ecological health and governance of the public ecological ledger of record (+unconference) ~space in X, specific conferences
- $REGEN community rewarding ~$$$ to csDAOs, methodologies, infra
- $REGEN supports broad indigenous and community governance and decentralized financial flows ~???
- Dozens of applications on $REGEN Ledger – 1) Marketplace (only now), EmpowerChain + ixo might switch (cosmos, drop security costs, got our attention and care) ~devx relation role
- $REGEN is a well-accepted part of a balanced portfolio – ~portfolios of specific type of investors? (IBCX dropped regen as small, readded? ~daily trading volume)
- Deep liquidity 💦 (from 2 to 15% of total valuation?) ~2% / $$$
Feb 6
Burn Function
Aaron, Robert, and others have been working on the burn function. We could touch on that.
- liquidity swap with Osmosis or smth
Mark / Modeling work
– Goals discussion
Risks Discussion
Tech tree + Positioning paper?
Strategic Awareness (stakeholder types etc)
Jan 30
Will / Updates
Gregory / Updates
Aaron / Updates
Will / Rate of change + min/max Params
Christian / Tokemonics $1
Max / + Gregory Q1-2 plan
- Goals
- Processes
- Roles
Juanca / Model
- Bring Mark?
Jan 23
Will / Staking proposal
Something like: 80% Commons Hub, 20% P2P, moving to 40:40:20 with Notional once they're back up?
Max /
>> all visual at every meeting
Jan 16
David / Easy way to buy $REGEN
Max / Learning sessions
Max / Future backwards
Max / Could someone represent on Fri?
Jan 9, 2024
Group Retro / How we stake or otherwise utilize REGEN funds
Should be staked until more formal process of DAO mgmt
intention behind the gift
independent entity or part of ledger?
understand Q1 budget, stake else
Who do we stake to? multisig signers are validators
stake in proportion to signers
Max drives decision, advisors sign
Max / Research overview
This is the future we’re working towards
Will / Working Group dev – roles, mutlisig
Gregory / Research topics and conversation – read & report
where should we start?