Based on the goals from Executive Summary (2024)
- DAO Steward(s): All types of the network stakeholders engage effectively in the $REGEN tokenomics development
- Environmentalists: (eco-activists) associate $REGEN with public eco network/ledger and ecological health overall
- csDAOs (as local, indigenous, academic communities): issue eco credits and attract resources
- DApp Developers: launch complementary applications on the $REGEN ledger
- Impact Investors: hold $REGEN as a part of their portfolio
- Speculators (degens, market makers): lend to the $REGEN liquidity pools
- Mar 2024
- Feb 2024
- Jan 2024
DAO Steward(s): All types of the network stakeholders engage effectively in the $REGEN tokenomics development
Metric: QAU + breakdown by stakeholder type
- Environmentalists / Eco Activists – I guess only these kinds of people participate in the group (~15-20 were active over a quarter), and recently we’ve got a person from to apply (inspiring! haven’t seen any engagement though)
- csDAOs – so far Bryan Weinberg (Foundation for Regeneration), Will Masters (Ogallala) and Berk Sohto (Earthist) participated actively. I’ve been on the csDAO program call, though the people I’ve spoken to weren’t csDAOs with stake. Having them is important as recently their reward had been ~50% slashed with an inflation params proposal passed
- DApp Developers – we frequently have Jeancarlo (ex-SDK). Also sometimes reps from other Dapps in the group (like KlimaDAO), but not actively participating. I’d say the situation here is dire as I know no other developers interested in building on Regen. There were 2 suspects, 1 of them shared concerns with me regarding whether it makes sense.
- Impact Investors – besides Foundation or RND (which are the biggest holders AFAIK), there’s also Cerulean which helped to kick off this group, but apparently are not finding the time to participate in free discussions (hence the proposal below). I’m also coming to to speak more with this kind of audience, also organizing an event there on regen/web3/refi is a possibility (pls indicate interest or support to join this)
- Speculators (degens, market makers) – can’t say I know real degens here, nor I am myself. Their feedback might be interesting on how they are perceiving the opportunities around Regen Network. Probably there are more interesting altcoins, might be a reality check.
Environmentalists: (eco-activists) associate $REGEN with public eco network/ledger and ecological health overall
Metric: $REGEN token mentions in x, conferences etc, sentiment
- EthDenver – meetup results + what happened there? will be shared on a community call
- X – There’re a few authors who love $regen, and say it is undervalued, but have low subs/reactions. Besides that – validators updates and faucet requests (like half of the feed). These are some tweets I’ve found curious
csDAOs (as local, indigenous, academic communities): issue eco credits and attract resources
metric: # of methodologies/ $ funds acquired
- New methodology
Untitled indicates around $55 in on-chain sales this year (if I counted correctly)
DApp Developers: launch complementary applications on the $REGEN ledger
metric: # of apps
- 2 apps managed by RND: Registry and Marketplace (AFAIK)
- 2 people pinging test tokens faucet
- 2 ledger forks
- 2 suspects who could move to the platform, but are far from the materialization
Impact Investors: hold $REGEN as a part of their portfolio
metric: # of web3 funds with #REGEN in mix
- I guess there were no updates on significant purchases
Speculators (degens, market makers): lend to the $REGEN liquidity pools
Metric: liquidity pool capacity in the dollar value
- $REGEN/$ATOM – $20k, 2% APR
- $REGEN/$OSMO – $110k, 0.3-4.65% APR
- All pools:
- Not sure how to check the params at the start of the year, from memory there was ~$200k total, so it seems to have decreased significantly
Mar 2024
Proposal #41, regarding halving REGEN inflation, is adopted
Q1 2024 report ready
RegenCoopBank – Bioregional Development with Cooperative Banking let’s discuss
Feb 2024
Executive Summary (2024) received an update for this year, it includes improved goals and metrics. Budget and roadmap can still be improved – feedback is appreciated, also you can see and sort all projects we do by goal or type in the updated wiki homepage
Mark DeRugeriis has created a mapping the the tokenomics model and is seeking for feedback – check it out, leave comments or reach out to him directly.
After some discussions on Commonwealth Othman will be bringing an inflation reduction proposal on chain soon
Aaron, Robert, and others have been working on the burn function for service fees
Jan 2024
Updating Parameters: Lowering Inflation passed 🥳 – now inflation is closer to the market level and should decrease the pressure on the price of the token
– drafting now ideas for the year. What is 1 great actionable goal we should take?
$REGEN Tokenomics Research – 1 of 4 chapters “$REGEN Investor Foresight” is out, it explores different worlds or scenarios where ecological activists might use regen network. Based on this further “future checks” could be done for the decisions to be made
Regen Network analysis of collective value generation – request for comments. The task of drafting this brief stems from the concern of many stakeholders that current token pricing is reaching unsustainable points and reversing that trend is deemed an existential issue to secure network governance and security.
Easy way to buy $REGEN – appeared as a conversation on 1 on the calls, what comes to your mind?
We’ve Received a donation of 1M Regen and decided to stake 80% to Commons Hub, 20% to P2P, (maybe moving to 40:40:20 with Notional once they're back up). All serve as multisig stewards, difference is towards supporting smaller organisations.