(VitaDAO, LabDAO, PsyDAO, AthenaDAO and Valhalla Network DAO)
Valhalla still early stage
VitaDAO more practical experience ~similar DeSci approaches
BioDAO – consortia, metagovernance between DeSci
bio.xyz, branches, equal partners
Sustainability in DeSci – most money were generated by single events (e.g. tokensale)
Selling treasury or new models, but not a value generator
Hasn’t been sold in VitaDAO
Niche credits (<$1M?)
GIZ is looking for certifications & proofs
Affiliation with GIZ?
Medium terms:
- Angel, people 1M Regen
- NGO, like GIZ
- Govs
Money? Trust?
Good validation:
- # of people helped
- t of co2 saved
- impact per $ spent (increase efficiency)
- hands-on personal story (not so good with tech)
- preferred topics (highly political, Africa-SA focus) ~current strategies of countries
- What kind of entity we need?
- Good match - crypto + longevity, many regular people, was a gap
- No funding for this research
- Partnership & affiliation with Universities
- Send liquidity, patents back, extremely early (basic research)
- …
- HairDAO and other DAOs