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Hey friends, Max here
For about a month we’ve been discussing this working group internally and I’m happy to share now a brief status update with the community.
In continuation of https://commonwealth.im/regen/discussion/7802-request-for-proposals-regen-tokenomics-upgrade we’d like to kickstart a working group, where I’ll be stewarding the process.
Key request i’m taking into the work is token economics upgrade:
- Improving utility and incentives for ecocredit origination
- Functionally linking ecocredit value and volume living on Regen Ledger to the economic model of the REGEN token
- Improving the network’s economic security & capacity
We had a public discussion about it on a recent news hour, check it out for more details: https://twitter.com/regen_network/status/1686809413901049856
Currently i’m working on:
- Establishing funding (paper work and first tranches)
- Establishing process (for planning, onboarding etc)
You could also check out
- Recent update to the funders: https://www.loom.com/share/431fce3ddd1a43399ae1216a6f98e231
- Notion data room https://www.notion.so/maxplay/REGEN-Tokenomics-WG-126c4daf3da04966bdba76ab815e0696?pvs=4
Call to action:
- Voice your needs, ideas and proposals regarding the tokenomics
- Indicate your interest in participation in the working group